Member Open Summer 2020 Group Exhibition
All-Member TAG ARTIST Group Exhibition
This month we let the art speak for itself! In addition to three fantastic solo shows by Gianna Vargas, Garo Ourfalian, and Michael Burnham, our TAG Member Artists take over the Loft and South galleries for an unthemed Member Open show for the final summer months of 2020. This eclectic mix of fine art includes oil, watercolor, acrylic, digital, sculpture, mixed media, and more. The variety of size, texture, and essence in this group show highlights a dynamic range of creativity in our artist collective. Check out the virtual exhibition below. Call 310.829.9556 or email us gallery@taggallery.net to arrange a private visit.

Member Open Summer 2020 Group Show includes works by TAG Gallery Member Artists Jaime Coffey Bateman, Elyse Wyman, Shirley Asano Guldimann, SKÜT (Scott Lewallen), Betzi Stein, Emil Rutenberg, David Stewart Klein, Damon Reinagle, Joan Horsfall Young, KW Sarrow, K Ryan Henisey, Bruce Sanders, Arlene Weinstock, Judy Zimbert, Douglas Teiger, Karen Hochman Brown, Gary Polonsky, Katie Crown, Edward Lightner, Shalla Javid, Shelley Lazarus, Susan Price, Michael Becker, Fielden Harper.