TAG Gallery Memberships and Artist Representation for 2025

The Artists Gallery annually welcomes qualified artists to its community. Member artists gain access to TAG’s dynamic exhibition spaces, community programing, marketing materials and networking events. Located in the heart of Los Angeles, TAG is different. We are a gallery founded and funded by member artists, for artists. This model allows us to offer unique benefits to artists, including solo gallery exhibitions, numerous group shows, art community engagement, advertising, artist promotion, and the ability to experiment and display new works in a beautiful, creative space.

To apply for consideration as a TAG Member, please fill out the application form on the website and select the Membership Plan you feel fits your artistic needs. Current Members will receive separate communication and will have first right of refusal on solo opening positions in the coming year. If you are selected to be a TAG Member it is important to sign up early to reserve your solo show space and time. 

We look forward to your application. If you have questions or would like more information, please feel free to contact TAG. Please note that fees for each Membership Plan are subject to change.

We look forward to hearing from you!


Memberships with Voting Privilege

Full TAG Member

Maximum 40 Members

Entitled to one (1) solo gallery show/year

This is the traditional TAG Membership. It is the most comprehensive membership offering full rights to one solo show in any gallery reserved by the Member, entry to all group shows, TAG online shows, and curated shows. You will be a full, participating member of the TAG art community with all voting Member rights and all TAG benefits (see more details below). All Member representation by TAG Gallery, will include artist’s work on the TAG online inventory, a presence on the TAG website, participation in events, workshops, speaker events and promotion and marketing by TAG for all Members during shows. A full membership also provides the opportunity to curate an exhibition (TAG Curates) upon approval from the Board. Fee: $2900 + 30% commission on all sales

Alternate Year Member

Maximum 10 Members

Entitled to one (1) solo gallery show per 24 months.

Show shall be in second year of Alternate Year Membership and continuing every other year*

This level is designed for Members who cannot create a body of work for a single solo show every year, but still want to be a full Member and engaged as such, including all group shows. This is for Members who want solo shows every other year, but who still want to participate in all group shows during the two-year period. Alternate Year Members have full, voting Member rights, and all other full member benefits, and will have the ability to reserve solo show dates within the two-year Membership period. The advantages to this Member level are the ability to lock-in a show date within the 24-month period, have full access to all group shows, and is less expensive than other membership combinations. The Board or designated Program Committee will monitor the number of Alternate Year members to balance gallery space with requests. *Current Full TAG Members have first rights to the Alternate-Year Membership. Fee: 2-year commitment at $3700 + 30% commission on all sales

Half-Solo Show or Team Share Member

Maximum 10 Members

Half-Solo Show Members are entitled to one (1) show in South Gallery East or West South Gallery or only Team Share Members must work together to present one (1) cohesive show in any available gallery.

This level is designed for those Members who find they only have enough original work each year for a “half solo” show, or who wish to team up with a compatible artist to split a gallery space. For these Members who want this smaller solo show option or want to team up, based on compatibility of artwork will be offered per Board or designated Program Committee approval and gallery location. This membership offers full stakeholder rights, and all other full member benefits, including all group shows. Current Members have first rights to this Membership level. Fee: $1800 per member + Commission rate 30% on all sales

Sculpture Member

Maximum 5 Members

Entitled to one (1) solo show on the floor space only, in the North Gallery.

This Membership is designed specifically for sculpture and three-dimensional visual artists. This level offers premium floor space in the large North Gallery, from the front window to the reception desk. Each Sculpture Member must be coordinated with Board or Committee approval to secure space and create visual harmony with the artist who is exhibiting wall-art in the same gallery. Sculpture membership includes participation in four (4) group shows. Includes full-voting Member benefits. Fee: $1800 + 30% commission on all sales.

Associate Member

Maximum 20 Members

This is often an ideal starting point for artists building a body of work. This level gets a qualified artist engaged in the TAG community and gets them involved in a minimum of ten group shows, all TAG only online shows, and other events of the gallery. Associate Members have all other full member benefits, including ability to step-up into solo show at full member fee, should space become available. Fee may be prorated for late year acceptance. Fee: $1000 + 30% commission on all salesMore Membership Levels.

Honorary Member

Selected by Board of Directors

Board may nominate any existing or past TAG Member as an Honorary Member. This is a voting membership and receives all full TAG Member benefits. Fee: No Charge + 30% commission on all sales

Other Membership Levels - Non-Voting

Long Distance Member

200+ miles from LA

Maximum 20 Members

This membership is designed for artists outside the Los Angeles area who would like representation. Long Distance Members are non-voting members. These Members can participate in any four (4) group shows, TAG online shows, will be part of the TAG art community, will have gallery representation, and other membership benefits outlined in Membership Kit. These members can choose to step-up their participation should solo show spots available. Board or designated Committees will determine availabilities. Fee: $550 + 35% commission on all sales

International Member

Maximum 20 Members

This membership is designed for international artists looking to break into the LA art market and are seeking gallery representation. International Members can participate in any four (4) group shows, plus they can participate in TAG online shows. These Members will become part of the TAG art community and will have access to other Member benefits, including the ability to step up to full solo/half solo show spots, if available. All taxes and international shipping issues will be paid for by buyers and artist. Fee: $650 + 35% commission on all sales

Association/Group Membership

Maximum 4 Members

TAG offers allied art industry associations and groups a special Association/Group Membership that allows them to select qualified artists from within their associations/groups to exhibit and be part of the TAG artist community. This is a non-voting membership and requires Board approval and specific approved programs allowing association membership. Approved association/group programs and all artists will be reviewed and agreed upon prior to membership approval. Approved programs may include a solo show, special group shows, and/or special gallery events. Fee: $3200 per Association Member + 35% commission on all sales

Junior Member (Qualified/Promising Beginners)

Maximum 4 Members

This is designed for artists at the beginning of their careers (ages 18-25) and are discovered and mentored by TAG Member artists. Each Junior Member will be approved by the Board or designated Committee members. A separate program for these gifted artists may be developed separately. Junior Members can participate in two (2) group shows, plus online show entries. These are non-voting memberships. They include gallery representation and other benefits that will promote and assist in these Members’ professional artistic growth. If deemed suitable, Members and donors can step-up Junior Members by funding solo/half solo shows. Fee: $200 per Junior Member + 35% commission on all sales

Artist-In-Residence Member

AIR Members Selected by Board of Directors

This membership is designed to attract recognized, well-known name artists that TAG selects for a limited period of time. We provide solo show space and, if desired, we team AIR Members with TAG members in themed exhibitions/shows, when possible. The AIR Member is a non-voting membership, but the AIR Member will become an unofficial TAG member and will become part of the general TAG art community. Fee: No Charge + 35% commission on all sales

Additional Membership Information

1.) New Member acceptance will stop for the year once all membership positions are filled or until the Board decides to stop new Membership activity.

2.) Upon acceptance, all Members will receive a complete Member Benefits and Gallery Guidelines Handbook.

3.) Associate members who join mid-year may have their fees pro-rated to reflect the lost opportunity to be included in all the group shows. Member who are entitled to a gallery show will never have their fees pro-rated, no mater when in the year they join.

4.) Members at all levels may be be offered an opportunity to step-up to a solo show if there is an opening but must pay the difference to match full membership fee for that category of show.

5.) All Members must pay in a timely manner or lose Member rights.

6.) Deposits are non-refundable or are subject to Board discretion

7.) All Member representation by TAG Gallery, will include:

a.  artist’s work on the TAG online inventory

b.  a presence on the TAG website

c.  participation in the shows/exhibits based on Membership Plan selected

d.   promotion and marketing by TAG for all Members during shows across all TAG channels

8.) All Current and approved prospective Members will receive a Letter of Agreement to sign and return to TAG Gallery for final approval. Upon final approval and scheduling by the President, Board or designated Committee, all approved Members and Prospective Members will be required to submit their non-refundable deposits due Nov. 1, 2023 (for existing Members) and for new members paid upon acceptance.

9.) Member curated shows, and special requests, are sometimes available and must be presented to and approved by the Board.

10.) Additional Membership information, volunteer time commitments, scholarship opportunities and other details will be provided in the TAG Member Handbook upon acceptance.

11.) All works having been displayed at the gallery shall remain available on the website and are subject to commission for 90 days from start of gallery showing. All other work available on the website is subject to commission until the work is removed from the TAG Gallery website at the artists’ request.

12.) Each member with full rights shall serve on a committee and fulfill other volunteer requirements as stated in the bylaws, including 12 hours assisting the director and 3 hours helping with artists’ receptions. Non-fulfillment of volunteer hours subject the artist to a fee of $25 for each hour not served.

13.) All Members must review (TAG) The Artist Gallery bylaws prior to accepting membership. It is understood by signing this agreement the existing or new member has agreed to this contract and to the bylaws of the gallery.

14.) All Members must supply a W-9 before they receive any payouts for sales.

If you have questions about these Membership Plans or would like to know more about TAG, The Artists Gallery, please contact us directly and visit us during business hours, Wednesday through Sunday, 1:00pm to 7:00pm, and attend TAG events.

For more information, you can reach TAG at

TAG, The Artists Gallery

Phone: 323-297-3061

Email: gallery@taggallery.net