Jan 08 - Jan 24

L.A. Open, Juried Invitational

TAG Curatorial by Eric Renard, Sky Gallery

Jan 29 - Feb 21

TAG Artists Present ‘In the Abstract’ and ‘New Members Showcase

Abstract is from the latin word meaning “pulled away, detached”, from something detached from physical or concrete reality. Abstraction is nonrepresentational and non- realistic. Explore the theme of In the Abstract with deconstructed images, concepts and/or patterns. Both subject matter and medium is open to interpretation.

Pop-up TAG Presents: Staff & Volunteers Exhibition 3 Staff Members and 3 TAG Member Volunteers (by invitation) Later pop-ups this year will be 6 Volunteers, invited by service hours.

Feb 26 - Mar 21

TAG Artists Present “Earth, Wind, Fire and Water”

Juried Curatorial - Lazarus Watercolor, Sky Gallery TAG Members are welcome to apply on callforentry.org, jurying is anonymous: https://bit.ly/3DEPgnd

Mar 26 - Apr 18

TAG Artists Present ‘Tools of the Trade’

People use all sorts of tools or implements or equipment in their line of work whether they work indoors or outdoors. Tools are used as a means of creating, be it a pencil, paintbrush, hammer, ladder etc. No matter the size or function, tools are a necessity of life. Show us the tools in your life. It is open to wide interpretation.

Drop off date - March 21st

Apr 23 - May 16

TAG Curatorial by Sunhee Joo (Juried Invitational)

May 21 - Jun 13

TAG Artists Present ‘Shades of Grey’ - B&W, Graphite and charcoal

Using graphite and/or charcoal, show your skills using these mediums, in fine detail or with broad strokes, to create monochromatic artwork, that is black, white or with multiple shade of grey. Style and subject matter is open to interpretation.

Drop off date by - 16th May

Jun 18 - Jul 11

TAG Artists Present ‘Nothing to see Here’ - Nudes and the Human figure

Depicting the human body has a long history in art be it through drawing or sculpture and is still just as relevant today. As we continue the tradition, explore the curves and angles of the human form (within good taste) the medium and style is open to interpretation. Drop off date by - June 13th 2005

July 16 - Aug 01

Made In The USA: Democracy is Freedom (Subtitle tbd)

TAG Artists Present ‘Vacation Time’ - Vacations and Places

It’s that time of year when most of us dream of escaping to somewhere that isn’t home. Whether it is relaxing on a beach in the Mediterranean, being in nature without people or technology, a cruise on the open seas or a bustling city. Both the subject matter and medium is open to interpretation.

Drop off date by - July 11th

Aug 06 - Aug 29

Open Call TBA

Sept 03 - Sep 26

TAG Artists Present ‘Into the Wild’

Animals or birds of the wild, those that are well known or rare, hunters or the hunted. Rather than our cosy, lovable domesticated animals, how about bears, lions, alligators or vultures as examples. Whatever your choice this is show that is open to all mediums and interpretation.

Drop off date by - August 29th

Oct 01 - October 23/24 tbd

TAG Artists Present ‘Lets go Inside’ - Interiors

We spend most of our lives inside a structure of one kind or another. It could be home, a workplace, a market, a school. Anywhere that has four walls, that protects from the elements. This show presents your view of the Interior be it real or imagined. This show is open to interpretation.

Drop off date by - September 26th

Oct 29 - Nov 21

TAG Artists Present ‘People, people Everywhere’ - People

A portrait of one person or a group of people , young or old, realistic or abstract. It doesn’t matter who you depict or what medium or style you choose, this show is open to interpretation.

Drop off date by - October 24th

Nov 26 - Dec 19

TAG Artists Present small artworks

The TAG Annual small works show. We entice the holiday shoppers in the holiday season to come to the gallery and snap up our Small Works created by our talented artists at TAG. ’Tis the season for gift giving or even treating yourself.

Drop off date by - November 21st