Abstract TAG Member Group Exhibition
September 9 — October 1 LOFT GALLERY
Paired with a phenomenal California Open 2020 show, TAG Member Artists created a diverse mix of art works for Abstract, showing upstairs in the Loft gallery. Come experience a variety of symbolic, impressionistic, and conceptual pieces through a variety of mediums. Check out the virtual exhibition installation photos below. Call 310.829.9556 or email us gallery@taggallery.net to arrange a private visit. We’re open Tue–Sat, 11am to 5pm daily.

Abstract showcases works by TAG Gallery Member Artists including Joan Horsfall Young, Michael Becker, Garo Ourfalian, Shalla Javid, Susan Price, Judy Zimbert, Jaime Coffey Bateman, Arlene Weinstock, KW Sarrow, Shirley Asano Guldimann, Edward Lightner, David Stewart Klein, Elyse Wyman, Lynne Russo, Bruce Sanders, Karen Hochman Brown, Fielden Harper, Katie Crown, Betzi Stein, SKÜT (Scott Lewallen).