Douglas Teiger Spectrum

April 13 — May 8

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Spectrum opens April 13, 2021 at TAG Gallery, 5458 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90036. TAG is open 11am-5pm, Tue-Sat

Douglas Teiger’s current installation of an eight-foot by forty-foot series of canvases called Spectrum, reflects his introspective experience of humanity. 

 This journey we call the human experience plays out within a spectrum of energies and colors.  The spectrum just is, but as humans, we have defined and polarized it, creating the concept of opposites.  These man-made constructs have caused separation between ourselves and Spirit as well as amongst one another.  There is a benefit to opposites in that one appreciates joy, health, success, beauty, enthusiasm after experiencing sadness, sickness, ugliness, boredom, etc. A spectrum does not exist as opposite ends of a line but forms a circle that ties humanity together. Love is what holds it all, no matter what.

This series gives an observer the opportunity to view the entire spectrum as a whole, while also allowing them to zero in on a particular panel that they are called to in that moment. There is only ever this present moment.  And each present moment gives one the opportunity to awaken more deeply to love instead of judgment.   Each of these paintings is a representation of a color on the spectrum and has a unique energetic vibration.  How a person responds or reacts to that vibration represents where they are in that moment. 

Douglas’s journey is awakening to the possibility of living each day without judgment and in the present moment. His intention is to see the beauty in everyone, giving them the dignity of their own experience. 

Spectrum symbolizes the awe and miracle of the universe. It celebrates the beauty that exists throughout the spectrum.  We all move along a spectrum during our lifetime.  There is no good/bad, right/wrong, there only is what is at each moment.  Appreciating the beauty of wherever one is in their process and cooperating as it moves and changes, is an act of self-loving. 

About the Artist: Douglas Teiger graduated from Cornell University School of Architecture receiving a BArch and a Master’s Degree in Spiritual Psychology from University of Santa Monica.

His large abstract oil paintings radiate a sense of joy and serenity. His images come forward through meditation and inspiration. He co-creates with spirit transferring the energy through paint to the canvas. The dance has begun and what you see before you is a result of that relationship.

About the Gallery: TAG is a fine art gallery located on Museum Row in Los Angeles, California. Founded in 1993, the gallery represents award-winning contemporary Southern California artists working in all mediums and styles.

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