The Oracle is a collection of works done during the past year of the covid19 pandemic. It consists of large acrylic paintings and digital artwork.

The collection intends to create a space of self reflection. The works depict portraits of people from different dimensions of time and space; past and present, real and fictional, tangible world and virtual world, the physical and the metaverse.

The oracle asks two simple questions: Who are you? What’s your story?

The acrylic paintings are of heroes and saints, painted in acrylic and metallic powder on canvas. Each one is a timeless cultural hero, living in a golden eternal world of fame, expressing their powers, as well as their weaknesses. Continuing with the mirror-selfie theme from past series of works, some of the figures are taking a selfie- anybody can be a hero, and be both the model and the artist.

The digital works further develop the acrylic paintings, assisted by artificial intelligent mechanism to create unique visual variations of the themes. Another dimension of the paintings can be experienced looking at them through a smartphone with an augmented reality application.