Member Artist Spotlight: Michael Burnham, Shalla Javid, James R. Lane, Gianna Vargas

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Michael Burnham

It’s the subject, it’s the content, it’s the idea, it’s the emotion that needs to be expressed and the artist must get out of the way of what is transcendent in their work. I’ve only ever wanted to work with the subjects, concepts, techniques and medium that interest me. But, all my artistic life I’ve heard the same thing over and over again.

Michael Burnham

I don’t try to contort a subject or concept into the tyranny of my own style. I don’t believe in forcing my style on an idea. Style is just another limitation on artistic expression. With each project I delve into I let the theme, subject or emotion I want to convey dictate to me what the style of the image shale be.

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Shalla Javid

Moving to the states by myself was heroic and a little nutty. I was living somewhere in between freedom, delight and dishonor. I think that’s why my paintings speak to individuals.They are human, real, truthful and hopeful. You might recognize yourself at the brink of an emotion you can’t just yet describe.This is why I paint, to express all that I can not put into words, any language or even a religion. It’s where all the desires hang out and touch each other. To me, painting is my lover, my meditation, it’s my soul yelling to others “please witness my beauty, honey.”

Shalla Javid

I’ve been told that I stoke emotions with my compositions. Sometimes, excitement or tranquility and sometimes it’s just plain sexy. I just get carried away. The paint, the colors, rhythms, shapes, and sultry repetitions take over me and create a dramatic scene that is so delicious I think they want to be devoured. My paintings are meant to be reveled, absorbed and enjoyed, just like life’s experiences.

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James R. Lane

Ever since I was first taught to do so at age 14, I’ve always been captivated by the magic that comes from printing photos in the darkroom – the mystery resulting from exposing a blank piece of photo paper to light and creating something more. I’m driven by visualizing an image in my mind’s eye, and working to make it take life and substance on the paper. When that happens, when the visualization is matched in the print, I feel exhilaration. And, I love the reward of utter surprise and delight when what appears is beyond what was imagined, and something much, much better comes into existence.

James R. Lane

My practice is defined by bringing each of my pieces beyond a flat image on a two-dimensional plane. That is the limitation that comes with traditional photography, and that is why I am always looking for ‘more.’

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Gianna Vargas

Gianna Vargas is an artist and educator living in Los Angeles, California. She divides her time between teaching science and painting. Her work is informed by her background in science. Her studio is located in the Hawthorne Arts Complex.

Gianna Vargas