Catch the fine art works of Ernie Marjoram, Gary Polonsky, and Thomas Wheeler before their solo shows close, January 2, 2021.
TAG is closed New Years Day. We wish you a safe and prosperous new year.
Fine Sanctuary with the entire collection of fine art works from Pam Douglas, January 20, 2021.
Shows close January 2, 2021
Fine art collections from artists Thomas Wheeler, Ernie Marjoram, and Gary Polonsky close January 2, 2021. The gallery is open for viewings, limit 10 patrons at a time.
Catch the shows virtually with two new episodes from our TAGbytes artist series, taking a closer look at the art, the artists, and their intentions. Subscribe to our channel on YouTube.
Artist Gary Polonsky discuss their latest collection, "Food For Thought".
Artist Ernie Marjoram discuss their latest collection, "Sweet".
Gallery Closed New Years Day
TAG will be closed New Years Day, January 1, 2021. Our staff, artists, and art leaders wish you and all your loved ones a safe and prosperous new year.
Find Sanctuary at TAG, January 20, 2021
Sanctuary, the complete collection of works from Pam Douglas’ three-year journey through the subject of global migration, immerses viewers in the journey of hardship and hope undertaken by refugees across the globe.
Join us in the gallery to view this momentous collection:
January 20 — February 13
Reception January 23, 3pm-7pm
Artist Talks via zoom January 28, & February 4, 3pm